Inspirational Expressions 2014 part 3

The blood of your heart is the henna which decorates the tulip‐bride.
You belong to Abraham; you are the builder of the world.

Your nature is the trustee of all the possibilities of life;
You are like the touchstone of the hidden essence of the world.

The One who left this world of water and clay for eternal life—
The one whom the prophethood took with it—you are that gift.

This principle rises from the story of the Radiant Community—
You are the guardian of the nations of the land of Asia.

Read again the lesson of truth, of justice and valour!
You will be asked to do the work of taking on responsibility for the world.

This is the destiny of nature; this is the secret of Islam—
World‐wide brotherhood, an abundance of love!

Break the idols of colour and blood and become lost in the community.
Let neither Turanians, Iranians nor Afghan remain.

How long will you keep company in the branches with the birds of the garden;
In your arms is the flight of the royal hawk of Quhistan.

In the abode of doubts of existence is the certainty of the Muslim hero;
In the darkness of the desert night is the candle of the monks.

What was it that erased the tyranny of Caesar and Cyrus?
The power of Hyder (R.A.), the asceticism of Bu Dharr (R.A.), the truth of Salman (R.A.)!

How magnificently the heroes of the community have blazed the trail,
And those who have been prisoners for centuries peer at them through a crack in the door.

The stability of life in the world comes from the strength of faith,
For the Turanians have emerged firmer than even the Germans.

When certainty is born in these embers of ashes,
Then it gives birth to the wings of Gabriel.

In slavery, neither swords or plans are effective,
But when the taste for certainty is created, then the chains are cut.

Can anyone even guess at the strength of his arm?
By the glance of the man who is a true believer even destiny is changed.

Empire, sainthood, the knowledge of things which holds the world in its sway—
What are they all? Only commentaries on one small point of faith.

But it is difficult to create the insight of Abraham (A.S.);
Desire insidiously paints pictures in our breasts.

The distinction of servant and lord has put mankind into turmoil;
Beware, oh powerful ones; the penalties of nature are harsh.

There is one reality for everything, be it of earth or fire;
The blood of the sun will drip, of we split the heart of an atom.

Firm certainty, eternal action, the love that conquers the world—
These are the swords of men in the holy war of life.

What else does man need but a lofty spirit and pure character,
A warm heart, a pure‐sighted eye and a restless soul?

Those who rushed forward with the splendor of the eagle emerged plucked of their wings and plumage;
The stars of evening sank in the blood of the sunset but rose again.

Those who swam under the sea were buried by the ocean,
But those who suffered the buffeting of the wave arose, and became pearls.

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