Real moment of happiness

Real Moment of Happiness It was a cool morning gentle breeze that poked,interrupting me from my sweet day dreams I looked at the watch and suddenly stood up as it was time to rush for my class. Going down the street , I met a little girl that had the same look as Dora In sitting on the stairs of the coffee-shop in the corner. The tears shedding down from her pink cheeks made me stopped by her. I went to her and asked “May I know what made this cute little angel cry?” She gave no response, merely turning away. I compelled her to tell me and finally my efforts were successful in knowing the reason which made her to cry. She replied in her little voice” I had just lost the page on which I wrote my poem”. This statement of hers made me smile slightly. I promised to help her if she could tell me some of the lyrics she might remember. And with both of our efforts ,I was finally able to console her in sorrow and spread a sweet sm...