Car jokes 2014

Be Inspired by the Car Games. THINGS TO DO. Take the car, be on a drive turn on the stereo and listen to a beautiful song. You'll be in love in  the 'CA

Just for cheering up


A technician was uprooting a chamber head from the engine of a Harley bike when he detected a well-known heart surgeon in his shop. 

The surgeon was there holding up for the administration administrator to come investigate his bicycle when the repairman yelled over the carport, "Hey, Doc, would I be able to make an inquiry?" 

The surgeon, a spot amazed, strolled over to where the technician was chipping away at the cruiser. The repairman straightened up, wiped his active a cloth. "So Doc, take a gander at this motor. I open its heart, take the valves out, repair any harm, and after that put them back in, and when I finalize, it works much the same as new. So why I get such a little pay and you get the huge bucks, when you and I are finishing fundamentally the same work?" 

The surgeon stopped, grinned, hung over, and whispered to the repairman... 

"Attempt doing it with the motor running" 


A junior sister who worked for a neighborhood home social insurance office was out making her adjusts when she ran of gas. As fortunes might have it there was a service station only one piece away. She strolled to the station to get a can with enough gas to begin the auto and head to the station for a top off. The chaperon remorsefully let her know that the main gas would he be able to claimed had barely been advanced out, yet provided that she might mind to hold up he was certain it might be back without further ado. 

Since the  woman was headed to see a patient she chose not to hold up and strolled over to her auto. In the wake of searching through her auto for something to convey to the station to load with gas, she detected a bedpan she was taking to the patient. Continuously resourceful, she conveyed it to the station, filled it with gas, and conveyed it once more to her auto. 

As she was pouring the gas into the tank of her auto two men viewed her from over the road. One of them turned to the next and said, "If that auto begins, I'll head off to church each Sunday for whatever is left of my existence!" 

Dried up's young nephew, Grouchy, sought a position as workman at Click & Clatter's carport. It hopefully happened that a junior lady had strolled in that day additionally searching for a vocation. There was truly one and only position to be filled, and since both seekers appeared to have the same capabilities, Flash asked them both to take a composed test. 

Upon finishing of the test, both just missed one of the inquiries. Beam headed off to Crotchety and said, "Thank you for your investment, yet we've chosen to give the employment to the junior woman." 

Testy asked, "Why? We both got nine inquiries right. Since my uncle Dried up works here, I may as well get the employment!" 

Beam said, "We have settled on our choice not on the right replies, yet rather on the address that you missed." 

Testy then asked, "And exactly how might one mistaken response be superior to the next?" 

Beam answered, "Straightforward, the adolescent lady put down for inquiry #4, 'I don't have a clue.' 

You put down, 'Not, one or the other do I.'" 

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