This Is Not The Kind Of The World I would Like To Live In(FINAL PART )

At that time Kufa was facing corruption, today Pakistan is submerged into the worst form of others corruption. Kufa  experienced injustice, today Pakistan is longing for just Rulers and  a just system, like all other four Articles of Islam, Zakat was also abolished during that era and today even the so called Islamic banks seems to be unaware of this Islamic Economic policy.

Is there any one left to follow the footsteps of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAAW)’s grandson? Is there  another Allah’s warrior, the one who will rise against this Corrupt system?

In 1947, we witness such a legend who faced the similar situation. Mr Muhammad Ali Jinnah opted to die fighting for the restoration of the lost Muslims’ glory in the Subcontinent. He fought against the corrupt polices of the non Muslims and through his constant efforts and dedication, he succeeded in attaining a separate Homeland  For the Muslims. He earned the title of Quad-I-Azam.

 Today with the help Allah Almighty, we need  yet another Quaid-I-Azam to fight the unislamic rulership in an Islamic Country. The one who would emerge as an Allah’s warrior and raise his voice against the corrupt system.  The  Broad Islamic Revolution chain owes to the efforts of Holy Prophet (SAAW), and reached its peak at the time of his grandson Hazrat Hussain (RA).  This chain was further extended through various Saints and would continue to do so till the Day of Judgement. In the 21st Century, yet another link of this very chain is required

Today I made this Stand clear by not engaging in the Corrupt system. Let me made this clear to the World that Allah’s warrior does not not loves the Worldly status, but he loves what is loved by Allah and His Prophet (SAAW).  With all these statements. I have given a strong Message to all those who are alive and has made this clear to them that ‘This Is Not The Kind Of The World I Would Like To Live In.’

Dare I ask, Is there anyone who would like to live In this Kind of the World?

Effort by
Asim Ali | Equran

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