The Need of Time

The Need of Time

There was a time in pre-Islamic days, when nothing was safe and Good had decayed.

The World was in darkness and idolatry prevailed.
As ‘Age of Ignorance’ was that period known, near to what our Homeland has flown.
It was the time, when Allah sends, the ‘Model of Excellence’ to restore life, respect and peace in Essence.
571AD, Rejoice! Arrives the Holy Prophet ‘Muhammad’ SAAW, The Beloved of Rehman.
A symbol of mercy, his character is The Holy Quran.
He SAAW preached, Tolerance, Love and Brotherhood, and Human’s blood was declared Haram.
The Last Prophet SAAW gifted us the Doctrine of Tauhid.
Prayer, Fasting, Zakat and Hajj were included with it as the Five Pillars of Islam.
680AD, the State of Peace, Justice and Truth were challenged by one of the enemies of Emaan.
His name was yazeed, who established a tyrannical rule and demolished all Principles of Islam

Allah’s Greatest warrior risked his life, and yazeed was badly defeated by the Grandson of Holy Prophet SAAW, Hazrat Hussian RA with might.
1947AD, and History repeats itself, Islam was threatened and Muslims needed Pakistan as a Self Defense.
Time witnessed the Great Warriors of REHMAN, When Quaid-I-Azam, and Allama Iqbal stood against the Corrupt Nizaam.
They worked Day and Night and with Allah’s Help attained a separate Homeland for the sake of following the Sunnah and Quran.
+50 years have passed and Islamic state of Pakistan has twisted to the same unIslamic Nizaam.
TIME has come for US to RISE and STANDUP against this CORRUPT NIZAAM.
TIME has come to re-establish The Supremacy of Law, to do Jihad in Allah’s way, to Obey Quran and Sunnah.
TIME has come to Reject the Corrupt leaders of Pakistan as they do not fit in an Islamic Nizaam.
TIME has come to shun all which has been declared as Haram by Quran.
TIME has come to eradicate such banking system based on Interest, to fulfill the commandment of The Holy Quran.
TIME has come to reactivate all the Five Pillars of ISLAM.
TIME has come to bring back, justice and to re-establish the PEACEFUL NIZAAM.
TIME has come for US to RISE and STANDUP against this CORRUPT NIZAAM.
BEHOLD! How would you face Allah on the Judgment’s Hour? What accuse would you have then?
You under-estimated HIS POWER? What chance would you have then?
What’s Wrong with you? When will you Rise? ISLAM is dying now.
The Need of Time calls you. The time has come, you Understand Now
For the sake of ISLAM’s GLORY, To JOIN the PROPHET’s (SAAW) Mission,

STAND with Peace as He is Our Only Hope, The FUTURE of PAKISTAN NOW.

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