Corruption Has no Place In True ISLAM

Among every 100 persons(Muslims), atleast 50 should adapt themselves to the teaching of ISLAM, as perfection is impossible for the common people like us, the next step should be to guide the remaining 50% Muslims to the true ISLAM(PEACE). even then not all 50% would agree.   Let Us change ourself first instantly followed by the mission of changing our surroundings, personally and more effectively through Mass Movements against All forms of Corruption.

Corruption has a wrecking effect on the economy and the social order and that is the reason Islam strictly disallows renumeration.

This is the thing that the Hadith and the Qur'an need to say in regards to it:

"ALLAH  reviled the person who pays an influence, the person who takes it and the arbiter between the two". Hadith

"Furthermore when it is said to them, "Do not cause debasement on the earth," they say, "We are yet reformers!" Qur'an 2:11

"In the event that one of you sees something wrong, let him transform it with his hand; assuming that he can't, then with his tongue; provided that he can't, then with his heart and that is the base needed by confidence". "Hadith

From perusing the second hadith, it might been dishonest of us not to talk about the debasement tormenting the lion's share of Arab-Muslims nations that speak to 20% of the aggregate Muslim group worldwide.

Standing of Corruption in Arab Muslim nations:

Despite the fact that Islam strictly denies pay off, it is mediocre in the greater part of these nations.

As per the trustworthy site which assesses debasement in 183 nations every year, here is the consequence and the posting of the Arab nations beginning from the slightest degenerate:

Qatar is stacked up #22, United Arab Emirates # 28 (which goes before Israel, Portugal and Spain); Bahrain #46, Oman #50, Kuwait #54, Jordan #56, Saudi Arabia #57, Tunisia #73, Morocco #80, Egypt and Algeria #112, Syria and Lebanon #134, Mauritania #143, Yemen #164, Lybia #168, Sudan #177, Iraq #175, Somalia #178.

We might want to include these three non-Arab nations which are at larger part Muslims: Iran is stacked up #120, Paskitan #134, Afganistan #180.

Palestine is not on the agenda since it is still not distinguished as a state, yet its guides (previous and real) have redirected a huge number of dollars in gift cash expected for their individuals.

The Corruption begins at the largest amount of these nations (especially, those stacked up 50 and above)...

On a few events, remote organizations longing to put resources into some of these nations (which, might simplicity the unemployment rate) reported needing to pay generous fixes keeping in mind the end goal to win the agreement to the most noteworthy powers of these nations (which are instated in force forever) either specifically to the presidency, to the government or to the commanders and colonels (for nations with tyrant military).

... to the administration workers:

In the greater part of these nations, bribes are additionally normal practice around state workers, from the traditions at the outskirts, cops…  to the individuals accountable for conveying regulatory archives. Also when debasement influences the equity framework, don't want a reasonable trial.

Given that these Muslims (the degenerate ones) great realize that as per the hadith that ALLAH  have reviled the person who pays a bribe, the person who takes it and the go between the two, here is the expression they utilize when paying a pay off: "Consider this as a blessing."

Do they truly accept that ALLAH  does not know the substance of their hearts or what their plans are? While ALLAH  says in the Qur'an: " You should watch God; ALLAH  is completely attentive to the deepest considerations". Qur'an 5:7

Also in the event that they didn't comprehend what being reviled means (as portrayed in the hadith):

The condemnation is a state of disaster guaranteed by ALLAH  that the reviled individual won't get kindness or pardoning from ALLAH  and will be ousted from entering Paradise as was Satan when he was reviled and requested out of heaven until the end of time.


Muslims may as well in no path help the spread of this sickness, by animated or detached movements, or by their complicit hush. Debasement is an underhanded that must be battled by declining to give or accept and by reporting it.

Imams in these nations have a commitment and may as well speak and if possible act(in unity) all the more regularly about it.

Note: It is our obligation as Muslims to condemn underhanded and in the meantime we may as well dependably be conscious not to sum up the terrible conduct of a few people with the greater part and we may as well never copartner Islam to them becasue:

                                                                                                        A Dora Games Presentation

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